Sell My Mobile

All of us techorites have been in a situation where we needed to sell one of our old phones in order to get a new one. Often, it’s a huge hassle to put the phone on eBay or meet people through Craigslist. Both of those things require a lot of time. eBay and Craigslist both leave you in a position where you could, potentially, be scammed. Being scammed out of an expensive piece of electronics is not fun, especially when you’re trying to save up enough money to purchase the next iPhone. I know, for some of us, it’s not the iPhone, but, another expensive piece of electronics all the same.

With, selling your mobile device has never been easier. No, never.  When selling on the website I mentioned above, one can get up to £450 on one mobile.  That’s often more than you would get on any of the competing sites where you are able to sell your mobile.  On, there is a very minimal hassle in the whole process.  There’s a peace of mind that is lacking in the eBay or Craigslist options, and, there’s the guarantee that you won’t be scammed.  You’re also guaranteed that your phone will sell, instead of sitting on eBay for three weeks.

If you need to sell your phone, I recommend



sell mob​ile​ review

Ever wanted to sell your old cell phone?  Well, lets you do just that, easily.  Easily is the key word there.  Most services have tons of hassle and time you need to spend in order to even be able to sell your cell. not only does it early, but, also gives you the best prices available.  You enter your cell phone name in the search box, it feeds you the results that are best for you, of all the different services.  It lets YOU, the user make your decisions.  Something like that is quite uncommon in services like this, making a very unique service.

As soon as the cell recycle company receives your phone you will receive an envelope in the mail, in the next few days with your payment.  You have a choice of either getting cash or a cash voucher, depending on the services you choose and whatnot.

Obviously, it’s easy to sell your phone.  Just keep putting your listing on craigslist, always battling the constant spammers that are more active than actual buyers.  Then maybe you would get an offer, after a month.  With, it’s instant.  No hassle, the best prices available.  Plus, you’re also doing some good to the environment, a huge plus.



sell my phone

iOS app

Here’s an iOS app that I put together with the no-coding game engine Gamesalad.  It was actually pretty easy to make, but it doesn’t have the finesse, and smoothness of a coded game.  I submitted the app and it is on the appstore for $0.99, I would appreciate it if anyone who buys it would rate it and tell me some of its problems.

Administration Change

Our former head of staff and writer has stepped down from his overwhelming task of writing an article every few days, and Jesse Daniels (V.P) has been promoted. If you want to continue to read articles from Caleb Daniels (Former CEO) please go to his new site,  Oh, and don’t expect nearly as many articles from this site.

Jesse Daniels



Why Apple Isn’t Changing

I already wrote an article on why Tim Cook would not be any different to you than Steve Jobs.  I don’t need to explain that again; Cook has been in charge for a long time now, just underground.

With this most recent death, it seems like a good point to write about the future of Apple. Many other respected writers believe Apple is lost; they believe with the release of a “failure” phone and the death of Jobs that the company will only go downhill.  They’re wrong.

Apple has a brilliant future; they have a life of success ahead.  Sure, they just made a RIM-ish move, but, from Apple’s perspective, a smart one.  The iPhone 4S will do as well as the 4 – very well.  They have a cycle:innovation, refresh, innovation, refresh.  Has it worked so far?  Yes, they’ll sell as many 4S units as they have 4s.

Another complaint/concern is that Apple has a problem with releasing minor upgrades and charging as much for them.  That’s twisted.  Take Samsung for example.  One can’t even count the number of Android phones they have released this year!  The Galaxy line alone already has at least five different models.  Apple released their first iPhone in 2007; it’s 2011 and there are only five models, only three of which are active and available.

Apple’s cycle obviously works.  Sure, they could put a little more time between models.  Maybe. They don’t need to put all the work into one device; all they need to do is make that one device a little bit better than the competition’s.  Then they’re safe ’til the next round.

On Steve’s death, no, that won’t change Apple.  To be honest, it will help them do better.  I’m not going to say more,but just look at this picture:




We will always remember Steve Jobs as he lives on in millions of devices across the world.  Jobs never really died; every one of his devices is a horcrux.  Pull your iPhone out of your pocket, there: a piece of him.  Flip open the lid of your Macbook Pro: the glowing Apple symbol reminds everyone in the room of the man.  As long there are phones, PMPs, or computers in the world, Jobs will be remembered.  Changing the whole computer industry was a huge accomplishment; nobody will look at an electronic device the same.  Ever.

Thank you, Steve.

iPod Nano 1.3 Update

During Apple’s event on Tuesday, they announced a new iPod Nano and a new iPod Nano OS.  Now, the only reason i’m writing this is because the iPod Nano was originally supposed to simulate an iOS experience.  To be honest, it’s nothing like iOS still.  It can’t do anything.

The update, 1.2 for us Mac users, brings quite a few changes actually.  The most noticeable is the new UI (User Interface), it’s…different.  When the Nano 6G was launched it looked like a mini version of iOS, not only in the icons but also in the layout.  Now it’s much more of a “mini” UI.  Think of the XMB on Sony devices, it’s like that but with iOS icons.  You scroll left and right by swiping through the options; it’s easy.

You’re given the option to witch back to the “mini view” as they call it.  I wouldn’t. 

You can turn off what is on the home screen, I haven’t the slightest clue on why you would, but you can.  Also, you can change what parts of the music app show up directly on your homescreen.  If you want to jump directly to “playlists”, you can.

Probably the biggest new feature for some users is the new watch faces.  There are 16 new ones; adding up to 18 faces for showing up your nano.  Yes, there is Mickey Mouse watch faces included.I’m serious.


Eh, it was a long awaited updated but didn’t fully satisfy.  After seeing the .plist strings for movies and games, I was patiently waiting for that, nevertheless, Apple pushes out a minor update.  Surprised, huh?

Which Carrier To Go To For The iPhone 4S

One of the many new features of the iPhone 4S was that it was a world-phone, it has support for GSM and CDMA in the same chip.  (The Verizon iPhone 4 technically did too, just lacking a sim card slot.)

Now that you can use your iPhone 4S on AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint, the choice of which carrier to go to has gotten that much harder.  You can go to Verizon and get exceptional coverage, no voice and simultaneous data, and limited plans.  You could go to Sprint an get terrible signal, no simultaneous voice and data, and unlimited data plans.  Or you could choose AT&T, the original carrier since day one.  AT&T has decent signal, simultaneous voice and data, and limited data plans.

Wait, there is something else, right?  Yes, AT&T will have the fastest iPhone 4S.  Because of the way that the cellular radios in the device are set up, the iP4S supports HSUPA, which, on AT&T is 14.4mb/s theoretical max speed.  Verizon and Sprint, with their EVDO networks, only support 7.2mb/s theoretical max speed on the iPhone 4S.

You need to ask yourself, does having a faster speed necessarily mean it’s better?  Sure, it’s faster on AT&T but you are limited to a 4GB a month plan.  (Unless you want to jump through some hoops for unlimited.)  Sprint gives you unlimited data, but slower speeds.

It really all depends on the user, you want the coverage?  Verizon.  Want to be able to update twitter while on the phone?  AT&T.  Heavy data user? Sprint.