What The Brazilian Budget iPhone Proves To Us


Gizmodo Brazil managed to obtain the digitizer/glass/faceplate from iPhone model N90. We’ve seen the N90 popping up in all kind of code; it appears to be the budget model iPhone that’s been rumored for so long.

The fact that there are N90s being produced in Brazil tells us that we will see two models in the future. Most likely this Tuesday. Here’s why: Yesterday somebody leaked strings in iTunes developer build showing references to the iPhone 4S, model number N94. Obviously N90 and N94 are quite different numbers, and there is no way they can be the same device. Every Apple iPhone has a build number, the iPad was K84, all have different code names.


If there is an N90 and an N94, what more need I say? There is obviously two models in the near future to be released and most likely both will be announced this Tuesday.

[Speculation] Why We See Two Different Volume Button Locations On Upcoming iPhone Cases


With all of the most recent case leaks, we are able to see a lot of things.  Mainly that the next device will be thinner and wider.

Where things start to get strange is with the volume buttons, ringer, and a possible shutter button.  Most cases show the volume buttons on the left side as usual.  There are cases such as @chronic’s Otterbox that show the volume buttons on the right side as well as cases that have only a small rectangular hole on the right side.  Obviously something is up.

First off, above any other sources, I trust chronic.  He knows what he’s doing and wouldn’t post pictures of a case if it would differ from a final product.  To the best of his knowledge he posts only absolutely legitimate things.  The picture below shows the otter box case that he leaked, demonstrating some sort of volume buttons ont the right side.  

The case below is one from DealExtreme showing volume buttons on the left side.

Who’s wrong, Will or DealExtreme?

What if neither of them are wrong at all.

What if the two case styles represent two models of iPhone?  The full iPhone and the budget model, possibly.

Just to add to the confusion, what if the iPhone 4S is the budget model.  No re-design, only a better processor, camera, and a physical shutter button.  The iPhone 5 is the re-designed one with everything that the budget model get except with quality materials (better glass and such).  We see and know what one of the next iphones will look like, but we keep seeing contrasting volume button placements.  The case makers are confused from the designs received from Apple.  Either there is two models of iPhone or there is a new shutter button placed somewhere…

One thing – At least one of the next generation iPhones will be wider.

How To Get A White iPod Touch 4



Many of you may have seen some popular people from the iCommunity copping white iPod Touch 4th Generations. The two guys i’m thinking of are twitter users @reagentx and @chronic.  ReagentX has been kind enough to let me use his pictures in this post.

I’ve gotten quite a few questions about it and decided that it needs to be answered. This is in no way an attempt to spoil @chronic’s or @reagentx’s fun; I will take this down at the first request from either.  This is just a way of letting the public know that there is a way for them to nab a white iPod Touch as well.

So basically, you will need an intermediate knowledge of taking apart iPod touches. If you’ve ever handled something small and electrical, you can probably do this as it isn’t hard. Look on iFixit for a guide.

The white glass is easily obtainable, look on eBay.



This is not a post to say that we won’t be seeing a white 5th gen iPod touch, as rumors say that we will, but rather proving that anyone can have a white iPod touch 4.

For more information visit: rxtech

Of course, your white iPod Touch will be nowhere near as legit as @reagentx’s

Exclusive: iOS 5+ Untethered Jailbreak

For you non-believers, a new video will be up later today.

@reagentx, a popular photographer, programer, and violinist has finally has released the details of his iOS 5 untethered jailbreak to the public. This jailbreak is untethered and currently works on iOS 5. Due to the sheer awesomeness of the method and tools used to operate the jailbreak, it could potentially jailbreak every iOS that will be released in the future.

For those of you following him on twitter you would have noticed him writing about the exploit from almost his existence on twitter. Sure it still has bugs (like the wifi one) but every day it grows closer. Whether or not this becomes a public release, I’m sure that the CDT can learn from this. So you people who are dying to download cracked apps…you’ll get your fix, through us or through the Chronic Dev Team.

I have no release date for this tool because it is still being actively worked on. What I do have is a Youtube video demonstrating the fact that it is untethered and it actually works.

Note that safari doesn’t work on a tethered jailbreak unless The device is booted tethered. The fact that safari had cydia.com is regardless to the point made in this video.

Words from the dev.:

Henceforth, the iOS 5 beta software was unable to be untethered jailbroken by any known application/exploit. We do know that it was susceptible to Comex’s PDF exploit, but because of a leak that was not possible anymore.

We all also know that iOS 4.3.3 was the last operating system to be released that could be jailbroken untethered.

Well, this gave me an idea. What I’d one was able to unpack the vulnerable parts of iOS 4.3.3 and keep the functionality of iOS 5? That would be difficult though.

And it proved so. This was not an easy task. I had to be able to crack the ipsw’s open, remove the vulnerable parts, and replace them inside an iOS 5 ipsw. Instead of modifying the ipsw (requires root) I made it create a new ipsw, on the desktop.

All you have to do is then custom-restore (you have to have a dev account) and then email the 4.3.3 PDF to yourself. I tried making visiting jailbreakme.com work, but it refuses to recognize the OS.

And that is how I have jailbroken iOS 5 Untethered.

Screw the trolls.

If you want to keep updated on this jailbreak please feel feel to follow this site or follow the developer on twitter @reagentx.


This will be the official blog with updates on this jailbreak. If you don’t hear it here, his blog, or either of our twitter accounts, it’s not an official update.

We really don’t care if you believe us or not, this exploit is quite possible. Ask any member of either Dev team. The part that some of you may not believe is whether we have it working or not, we do.